Monday, August 31, 2009

Random Thought of the Day

Why do rich liberals exist?

If they want to 'level the field of play' why do they not put their money where their mouth is?

I wonder how many poor soul's hospital bills Teddy could have paid if he sold off that sweet sailboat he was always pictured on?

So why don't rich liberals take their money and start individual health savings accounts for poor people? Why not spend their own money instead of creating legislation for the taxpayers money to be spent on these social safety nets?

$1,000,000 would let me survive quite nicely for about 20 years (longer, if invested properly). Wonder if there are any liberals out there who "support the troops and their families" enough to drop me a dime or two?

Now, this isn't to say that there are not liberals that give to charity. But, I contend that if they are still that rich, and the problems as they see them are still not getting solved, then perhaps they should be putting more of their money toward their goals?

This is a really good article about my random thought of the day:

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